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Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2016

Put a Stop to Chaos by Redesigning Your Mud Room

When your home is cluttered and unorganized it can cause for life to get a bit out of hand. Whether it is the kitchen, the bedroom, or the mud room, the old mantra still holds true: a place for everything and everything in its place. Now if only your kids could live by that motto, too. Family life makes a mess, but a well-designed home with clean, streamlined storage can help keep it under control. The biggest offenders for clutter tend to be the bedroom and the mudroom, but there are storage solutions. You get organized with a couple of different strategies, including reach in and walk in closets, shelving solutions, and cabinets. The best place to start is that part of your house that seems to always be the most unorganized: the bedroom. For too many people, cleaning means cramming everything behind closed doors: that can mean a chaotic wardrobe. A messy bedroom only adds stress to your busy weeks and daily routines. Walk in closets make the most of both your horizontal and vertical

Mini Storage Can Help Your De-Clutter Your Home

Your home has the ability to feel like an oasis in the middle of the city – your personal refuge from the traffic and congestion that always manages to clog up Thornhill. Unfortunately, for far too many people, this isn’t the case, as they come home to a cluttered and disorganized space. It isn’t that their homes are dirty. They’ve just accumulated a lot of junk, and too much of it can hinder their ability to let loose and relax after a long, hard day. Believe it or not, it’s true. Clutter has been found to affect the brain negatively. A recent study conducted by researchers at the Princeton University Neuroscience Institute found that the average person finds it difficult to concentrate in a chaotic environment. It also diminishes your ability to process information as the visual stimuli of clutter distract your brain. When exposed to clutter for longer periods of time, your brain can suffer from fatigue and result in negative mental experiences. If you’ve been feeling anxious or frus

Get Your Lawn Ready for the Summer

Summer time in Toronto is already here, and that means more sunshine, more time outdoors and more lawn care. Our yards are like our outdoor living rooms — especially because we so rarely get to enjoy the outdoors without dealing with snow, ice, rain, and wind — and the lawns are like our living room carpets. The better you feel about your lawn, the better your barbeques, parties, and game days will be. One of the best things you can do to upgrade your family’s experience is get your lawn ready for summer as soon as possible. There are many benefits to having sprinklers installed. A lawn that is not properly watered is bound to have many growth issues. This kind of landscaping care is important for when you are having guests over. No one wants to hang out in what looks and feels like a wild, bug infested jungle with sand pits sporadically located throughout the terrain. The goal is to have a lovely yard you actually want to sit in and enjoy, not a safari adventure. Let’s think about ch

Local Plumbers Know Your Plumbing Inside & Out

Your hunt for a family plumber should be similar to the search you completed to find your family doctor. You don’t want someone prescribing you medication without knowing your medical and family history first. Why, then, would you allow a technician to attempt repairs without having known the details of your home’s plumbing and drainage past. Without this knowledge, it can take longer for a plumber to arrive at the right solution or – in the worst case scenario – they attempt a flat-out wrong repair for your home. It becomes obvious when you think of it that way: just like you scoured Kitchener for the best family doctor, you should devote the same amount of time and effort to finding the top emergency plumber Kitchener has to offer. A local plumber who’s completed regular inspections of your home is more familiar with ins and outs of your plumbing, and this background information can help them locate the weak spots in both your system and your maintenance routine. An expert Kitchener

Upgrade Your Curb Appeal with Stamped Concrete

Perhaps it’s not something we like to think about often, but the fact is that first impressions are important. People do judge books by their covers, construct opinions quickly, and buy houses based on curb appeal. Experts have noted that about 82 percent of home buyers will reject a home or accept one simply based on the exterior. A beautiful porch, patio, and driveway that has been landscaped with careful design contributes to a good “gut feeling” for any buyer. There are several aspects of a home that are actually thought about and judged later on, like the strength of the foundation , the quality of the materials used, and the acreage of the yard. Yet when it comes to an immediate first impression, all those areas can be overlooked in favour of a stunning house-front. You, too, can dramatically increase your curb appeal —and you should see what Elite Concrete can do for you when it comes to fostering your most creative sensibilities. Understanding Stamped Concrete One of the best

Get to the Root of Your Property's Pigeon Issues

You own or manage a stunning apartment building complex or condominium that you know is doing great business. You also know that when clients buy this kind of beautiful apartment with an amazing view that overlooks the city, especially in an urban center, where real estate prices are high and maintenance is costly, the very last thing they want to see is pigeon droppings all over their balcony or courtyard. The fact is that pigeons are extremely well-adapted creatures. The reason they proliferate even in urban areas, which may not seem too hospitable to wild bird populations, is because they’ve learned how to ingest scraps, fight off diseases caught from vermin, and breed incessantly to grow their own numbers. Rather than being stupid, as the term “birdbrain” suggests, they are surprisingly intelligent, and have been shown in tests and experiments to be able to organize pebbles by colour, shape, and size when trained. They’ve also been used throughout human civilization as letter carri

How to Find Reliable Pest Control in Toronto

Everyone has nightmares about it: the moment they wake up with red blotches all over their skin, and a mattress full of bedbugs; sleepily flicking the lights on in the kitchen one night, only to catch dozens of roaches skittering back underneath the stove or the fridge; or staying awake every night to the click-clack of a rodent scampering across your floors. Nowhere is immune: everything from commercial shops to detached bungalows to apartment units are vulnerable to outdoor invaders. #1 Don’t despair When it happens to you, don’t despair, just find an exterminator in Toronto who will make sure your problem disappears and never comes back. Your search should begin with a little bit of time and effort and a checklist of go-to qualities. First of all, a reputable company in the Greater Toronto Area should know how to eliminate most issues common to Southern Ontario, including rodents, cockroaches, bedbugs, pavement and carpenter ants, mice, rats, earwigs, silverfish, spiders, firebrats,

Aluminum Siding Can Extend the Lifespan of Your Home

When you are looking for aluminum siding installation to extend the longevity of your home, there are several key issues to be aware of in your search for a company that can help you. First of all, be sure to hook up with a company that has been around for at least twenty years. If you can find a firm that is family owned and managed, that would be ideal – those two things combined, “family-run” and “long history,” probably means that the company you’ve chosen has great customer service (which is how they’ve managed to stay in business so long). Either that, or they’re a front for the mafia, but you’re probably safe there if they also have many glowing customer reviews. You won’t get the same service from a large company, many of which are filled with contractors who are new and just getting their bearings in the industry, deciding whether they actually want to work in aluminum installation for the rest of their life. You might luck out and find someone as dedicated to the trade as the

The Summer is a Great Time to get into Leather Furniture

Summer is a great time to start considering updating and improving your home, making it more refreshing and comfortable for yourself, your family, and your guests. Adding new furniture, or simply updating and replacing outdated furniture, can go a long way to improving the quality and comfort level of a home. One of the best ways to update your furnishings (and home décor) is to replace outdated furniture with new leather furniture. Just about anyone would love to have a new recliner or sofa in their den or living room to be able to comfortably relax while they unwind from the day. If you’re looking for a way to live out that dream in your own recliner or wingback chair, check out this website for a great place to buy a leather chair in Toronto . If you don’t live in Toronto, just do your research and look around! Ideally you want a retailer that provides a wide selection, has been in business a long time, and has a history of satisfying its customers. Leather is a very high quality ma

Your Renovation Could Save The World!

Doing a renovation is the most popular way to make your home everything you want it to be . You might have been dreaming about certain changes for years. Now, they’re just around the corner! There’s another side to the coin though. If you’re particularly concerned for the environment, then you may want to find ways of making your renovations as green as possible. Here are some handy tips to use. Firstly, look into passive design. Passive design is almost completely unheard of among a lot of homeowners. However, if you’re looking to save the planet we live on, it’s something you should really be looking into. This technique uses the physical orientation of your home, and the chaos of the seasons, to form rooms that require minimum heating and cooling. These include glazing, insulation, thermal mass and airflow. For example, because the sun hits the north before anything in winter, you could open up that face of an extension in order to heat up a wall or floor. Through orientation and th

Luxury Bathroom Design: What The Pros Won’t Tell You

Your bathroom should be your retreat from the world. It should be the place that you go after a long and stressful day. If your bathroom isn’t a space that’s calm and tranquil, then there’s a problem. If your bathroom just isn’t as beautiful as it used to be and has started to look a little rough around the edges, it’s time to take action. When it comes to home design, a lot of us struggle, simply because we don’t know the best ways to go about. There’s so much conflicting advice when it comes to interior design that it can be hard to know the best way to go about updating your bathroom. Even more so if you’ve got a certain style in mind, such as a luxury design, for instance. Because of this, a lot of people opt to hire an interior designer when it comes to doing up their bathroom. However, if you don’t want an extra cost to deal with, it’s best to go DIY. To help you create a bathroom as beautiful as one, an interior designer would create, below are a list of tips and tricks. These

Home improvement ideas to add big value before selling

Here’s an opening bomb. Did you know that some home improvements that increase the value of your house are the most inexpensive and easiest to do? It starts with cleaning and decluttering. These can be bothersome to do, until you realize that these chores cost a maximum of $200, and can raise a home’s value for a whopping $1,500 to $2,000. Got your attention, huh? Of course, starting with a well-built house is an instant plus when you decide to sell afterwards. Houses for sale with McGrath for instance feature robust homes in prime neighborhoods. You wouldn’t want to sell something you wouldn’t want live in yourself, right? Now here are the projects that will increase the value of your house. Landscaping. Most real estate agents will tell you to improve the outside of your house first before even considering to sell. Many buyers actually refuse to enter a home for sale based purely on how the outside landscaping looks. This is why curb appeal is so important, or how your home looks f

A Few Simple Tips and Tricks to Add Stylish Updates to Your Living Room

The living room is one of the rooms in the home that you want to be cosy and comfortable. You will want it to be stylish too. We spend quite a bit of our time in it, and it is where we take guests when they come to visit. So we want it to look stylish , right? Here are some of my thoughts on how you can easily add a stylish update to your living room. Choose the Color Wisely The color that a room is can affect the mood of the people in it. There has been a lot of history behind the psychology of color and the findings are interesting. Cool colors like blue and white can make the room feel relaxing. It can make the room feel spacious, open, and fresh. Bolder colors like red and purple add a luxurious feel but can make the room feel a little smaller and dark. Warm colors like orange and tan can be nice and homely and help you to feel relaxed. So think about the ambience that you are trying to create and then go with the colors from there. The good news is that changing the color of the

7 Ideas for an Instant Bedroom Makeover

Giving any room in your home doesn't have to be expensive. Follow these seven makeover ideas to transform your bedroom instantly.  Choosing colors and textures The hardest decision of all is selecting a color scheme. Firstly, find some inspiration on Pinterest and decide what type of bedroom you are drawn to. You can then start putting together a mood-board of colors and features that appeal to you. Once you've chosen a color scheme, you can start to decide what kind of finishes and textures you like. Combining different textures can give you room depth, so consider choosing a few.  Add some personality Wallpapering or painting one wall in your bedroom is an excellent way to add a splash of personality. Feature walls are a quick and easy way to give your bedroom a makeover. It's unlikely you'll need to move furniture, too because it's just one wall. If you're not ready to commit to painting or wallpapering one wall in your bedroom, then that's okay! You ca

How to Create Vintage Looks in Your Home

At the moment, there are quite a few modern home decor trends that are popular. Think monochrome or scandi styles for example. They are styles that people are getting quickly bored of, though. They look good for a little while but it can easily become outdated. It can hard to keep up with too. Imagine trying to keep an all white room pristine and crisp, when it is a nursery for your toddler ? Not going to happen. So they can look great. They just aren’t that practical. One look that is always a winner, is choosing a vintage look. It is easier to maintain and you won’t need to get a whole lot of new furniture for it either. So it makes it a more affordable option than other styles. It is more feminine as well as being sweet and charming. So here are some tips for creating the vintage look in your own home . Make Things Yourself The vintage look isn’t all about having lots of technology or modern accessories. So one way to create the vintage look in your home is to make some of the acces

Get the Most Out of Your Bathroom Remodelling Contractor

Finding a bathroom remodelling contractor that thinks outside the box and produces something individual and outstanding is not easy. Here we’ve compiled some insider tips so you can sift the good from the bad. 1. Ask to see some examples of work – You’ll be able to judge their creativity, get some great bathroom ideas, and know the standard of work you can expect. You can also see if they have worked on a similar project before. 2. Reputation and review – Look up reviews, check recommendations, and assess the reputation of your bathroom remodelling contractor. 3. It’s the small things – Consider how fast the company gets back to you, how open communication is, how long they have been in business, and how you feel about the customer service. 4. Get a vision – Ask for a plan of your potential bathroom, both blueprints and a sketch or 3D walk-through. This way there is no grey area in design and expectations are clear. 5. Are they legitimate – Make sure your bathr

How To Create The Bathroom Of Your Dreams

Your bathroom should exude tranquillity and luxury every time you enter the room. Whether you’re having a soak in the bath or brushing your teeth before bed, this space should make you feel at ease. It should be the first place you want to escape to after a long day to relax and destress. But if your bathroom currently feels more drab than fab, you could be missing out on the soothing effect it could have. Instead of just sticking with what you’ve got, use this guide to start creating the bathroom you’ve always dreamed of. Consider what you want Before you do anything else, you need to think about what you want to be included in your new bathroom. Look at your current bathroom and consider the strengths and weaknesses it has. For instance, it might have a spacious layout but the tiles are too difficult to clean. This should show you which elements you are missing and what would make your bathroom more suitable. Write down your ideas and look on interiors blogs and in magazines for furt